Friday, September 7, 2012

Earth-Friendly Meal Preparation

As an environmentally-concerned vegan, I have to put a lot of thought into how I prepare my food and what goes into it. I've already posted about the latter (the food you eat), but today, I want to talk about the former (how you prepare it).
Like most people, I do enjoy a hot meal, and am not particularly fond of half-cooked or boring foods. However, eco-friendly meal prep can be so much more than that-- read on to find out how!
  • Try a solar oven before winter settles in! You can find out how to make one here: Please note that it may take twice as long for the food to cook in a solar oven, and you should not use it to cook raw meat or other foods that must be cooked in order to be safe. You can make vegan cookies, re-heat veggie lasagna, and more, and from what I've heard, it works!
  • Eat a cold meal once in a while. Chickpea salad, PB&J, vegetarian sushi, bean salad... the list is endless. To see a portion of the endless creative recipes you can use, please see
  • Instead of using an electric mixer, mix those ingredients manually by hand-- use that muscle power!
  • Buy food in large containers that can be re-used.
  • Avoid using plastic wrap to cover your food in the fridge. Either cover it with a plate or transfer it to a resealable container.
  • When washing food, put it in a bowl filled with water instead of running each piece individually under the tap.
  • Raw Vegan Food can look just like typical westernized food!
    Photo courtesy of
    Until next week!

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