Saturday, February 26, 2011

Take a Walk

Good morning! Isn't it the most beautiful day to go for a walk?
We've all been told that going for a walk is good for our physical and mental health... but did you ever consider that it's good for the environment??? Here's why:
1) Time spent outside is time spent away from electricity-sucking machines. Think about it: if you aren't going to go on that walk, what are you going to do? I can bet that it somehow uses electricity, like checking your e-mail or doing some work under blaring lights. So give all that a break once in a while and take a few deep breaths in open air. Which leads to my next point...
2) The more time you spend outdoors, the more respect you have for the outdoors. When it becomes part of your life, you'll realize how much you want to help keep it as fresh and natural as possible. You'll also start spotting environmental challenges, like people over-watering their lawns or noisy cars speeding past you. Seeing these things isn't fun, but at least you'll see more ways that you can help reduce your negative impact... and have a positive one!
3) Why don't you take this a step further by picking up garbage on your walk? You'll be cleaning up the neighborhood at the same time...
And that's the blog post for this week.
Have a nice walk!

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