Friday, April 8, 2011

Treat Yourself... the Eco-Friendly Way

Let's face it: you come home in the evening, you're tired, you don't want to work or think-- you just need to relax. You may think you don't have time to be eco-friendly, but in reality, you do! You can be eco-friendly and treat yourself the same time! Here are some ideas on how to do this:
1) Spend some time on my blog. :)
2) Enjoy a fresh, organic, locally-grown fruit salad.
3) Go out for a day for a hike in the wilderness, bird-watching, and a picnic.
4) Watch a movie on the natural world, environmental issues, and what you can do about it.
5) Go shopping at a thrift store like Value Village. (The clothes are actually quite gorgeous.)

Well, right now I'm pressed for time, so I've got to fly! But at least by writing the post in my blog I got to treat myself... the eco-friendly way.

1 comment:

  1. Hello!
    I am really enjoying your blog, Carolyn! Love it.
    I liked the bit about books. I am a HUGE book fan, but am old fashioned and love "real" books. But my favorites are old books, so at least that is eco-friendly, right? I like to look for old copies of classics, like Alice in Wonderland, and that sort of book. Right now I'm looking for an old copy of the Wind in the Willows. Three Cheers for Books! (but not brand new paper-using one...)
    Margo, fellow green book lover
