Friday, November 18, 2011

Simplify Your Life

Apparently some people don't believe that this is possible, but believe me, it is. What are the benefits of living simply? Here are a few:
  1. Personal Fulfillment; the more complex and difficult your life is, the more stressful it becomes, but a simple life is easy, happy, and sustainable
  2. Environmental sustainability; we can reduce however much we use by so much. Think of what life was like 200 years ago (you may need a history book for this!). If they got on with that much without extensively hurting the environment, then we can too. We should not to be destroying endless amounts of rainforest, polluting our skies and water, and harming our animals. We can reduce the damage (and even turn it around!) by living simply. "Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need, but not every man's greed." ~Mohandas Gandhi
  3. We must share the Earth with other human beings. If there was no poverty, unemployment, then there would also be no war. (Bonus Point: No war also means less environmental damage!) Another quote that illustrates this: "Live simply so that others may simply live." -Mahatma Gandhi
So, how to live simply? That's simple!
  1. Buy less stuff. Only buy something if you need it; this includes food, basic utensils, and clothing. Fill up the time that you would have spent shopping for fun with something else that you find fun. In a book I was reading, the author says that if you didn't need it before you saw it in the store window, then you don't need it at all!
  2. Organize your stuff. If we can't even locate anything we need, we'll have to buy a new one, thus adding to the clutter. It's also just nice to feel like you have it under control, don't you think?
  3. Don't overdo your entertainment. It is fun to have fun (surprise!), but we can have fun without cinemas, TV shows, movies, theatre, new books, video games, and computer games. Try to set a rule that next week will be screen-free week. (If you need to, only use the computer for a quick check of your e-mail and/or work. No IM allowed.)
  4. Don't bother with exercise machines-- walk, jog, or cycle outdoors instead. (The weather isn't too cold yet!)
  5. Donate your unwanted stuff to thrift and consignment shops. Be ruthless! You won't need it again, anyway. We must share our stuff with others if we want to reduce the consumeristic behaviours of the west. Before throwing something away, ask yourself: "Could I donate this? or would anyone want it who I could give it to? or could I turn it into something useful?"
  6. Get rid of junk mail at , which represents many countries, by the way! Junk mail, in the US (sorry, no Canadian stats found), amounts to 1.5 trees per household per year-- which totals to 100 million trees made into junk mail per year in the US alone.
  7. Avoid commuting. It's bad for the environment, and you probably don't like it, anyway! Try to live near your work or school, or switch to a place closer to your home. And then, walk or cycle to get places!
  8. Prepare quick, green meals ahead of time so that you don't feel tempted to slap together a cruel turkey sandwich instead. Even better, rid your house of meat, eggs, and dairy. Try this website: , guaranteed to satisfy everyone!
  9. You don't need to wash your shirt after every single use; only wash it if it is smelly or dirty. (Bonus: Use toxin-free, animal-free detergent!)
  10. Finally, use less water. Shorter showers, etc. Time your next shower, then plan by how long you can reduce it by. It is better for the environment and it gives you more time to do other things!
And there you go! I hope that you can simplify your life by following at least three of the suggestions.

Next up: Green Christmas!

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